Another trip to Tokyo over..... yet again it reminded me that I love to live in the countryside! It also reinforced the fact that I couldn't stand being part of the TV world!
The whole day started out wonderfully - not! We were part of a 2 hour "children's special" which meant the filming took even longer than usual. We were the main feature of one section (probably about 20 or 30 minutes of the final program) and then there were other sections which featured other people or the "panel" of other foreign wives who had been on the show previously. One section of the program involved all the mothers bringing something sweet that they had made from their own country for the children to eat. I was asked to bring pavlova, so we carefully carried it all the way on the plane, in the taxi etc. and then to the studio. No problem there. The problems began when they asked me to make another pavlova at the studio on the morning of the filming..... apparently they needed one for eating and one for filming, but they forgot to mention that to me. The fact that I didn't have the recipe with me was a slight problem, but the fact that they had forgotten to buy sugar was a more major problem! After the sugar finally arrived the next problem was that the mixer wouldn't work.... suggestions were made that we could make it with a whisk..... get real! Eventually the mixer cooperated, but then there was the problem of having no oven tray to put it on..... 20 minutes later one was found that was the size of a small book - I have no idea how we managed to get it made, but we did and everyone was happy - a great start to the day!
In terms of the actual filming - we had to be there by 9:30am (to make the pavlova, go through a brief rehearsal, put on the stupid makeup etc.) and then filming finally began at about 3pm. Fortunately we had our own private room so the kids could run around without causing too much chaos! It was an interesting process with everything going on very smoothly, no stopping and starting, no cuts, no repeating things, just continual action until after 8pm..... Fun, fun, fun! The kids survived the experience well and were rewarded with a trip to the aquarium and a new book the next day.
I found the whole thing interesting, but it is definately not something I would want to go through again. Quite a few of the other mothers on the show are aiming to become regulars in other shows etc. so spent a lot of the on-air time trying to make themselves noticed etc. as well as pushing their kids to the front. Not my scene at all!
Anyway, we survived (despite the fact that I forgot my deoderant....) and I think the show will be on air here on April 3rd. They kindly introduced the cottage and the rates etc. so hopefully it will be some good advertising! Another 4 guests are booked in for this Thursday already....