Sunday, November 15, 2009

Half-hearted garden update

I had planned to go around the garden and give a full update of what is going on right now, but the cold wind combined with a trip to a local festival etc. put a stop to that and I only really got around to taking photos of things that I was walking very close to or was actually picking for dinner. I also couldn't remember how to add music to the slide show so you will have to watch it in silence... perhaps tomorrow I will update it properly with extra photos and some music to brighten your day! Until then here is a small preview of a little of what is going on in the garden right now....

1 comment:

  1. wow. Envious of all the variety. Seeing your tomatoes and zucchini I'm guessing you haven't had frost yet this season? I think I'm about a month ahead of you weather wise maybe. Into daikon and pickling greens season here.
