Friday, November 10, 2006


Does anyone else have weeks where you are just so busy that you don't even have 5 minutes to sit down for a cup of coffee? This week has been like that for me. Combinations of outdoor education programs, meetings at kindergarten, teaching at primary schools etc. has meant that I haven't had one minute to go into the garden. The result.... lots of vegetables ready for eating, but seedlings in desperate need of watering (as is the rest of the garden...).
The tunnel house is now starting to produce results - the first zucchinis were picked today and the cucumbers, gherkins and tomatoes are also coming along well (as long as you don't take any notice of the mildew on the leaves....). The pickles have also been left to their own devices and I finally got around to removing them this morning. Not too bad for a first try!
Next week I will go to Australia for a week to study about farm tourism etc. Never has a plane seat looked more attractive!

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