Thursday, January 10, 2008

More sandcastles!

After a great day at the beach yesterday the children insisted that we go back to the beach to build some more sandcastles. Unfortunately we didn't have as many helpers as yesterday and unfortunately we didn't have most of the spades so the castles were a little smaller, but still enough fun for the children. We also stopped off at an amazing museum on the way home that had many things from older New Zealand.
I finally managed to get the photos from my camera today too so there are some shots from yesterday and the day before too. Feeding the friendly chickens and collecting their eggs are becoming daily routines and the children are enjoying it so much that I am more and more convinced we need to get some chickens of our own when we return to Japan....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:51 pm

    見ているだけでうらやましくなってきました。行きたいよ~。今度、JOたちがニュージーランドにいるとき、私たちも遊びに行こうかな。がんばって、宝くじ買おう。Have a good day!!
