I am pretty sure that Japan has one of the largest numbers of weedeaters in the world. Because there are no caretakers at the schools I think there is part of the test for teachers wanting to become vice principals where they have to show that they can operate a weedeater. Every person in the countryside seems to have a weedeater strapped to their back for the majority of the daylight hours. Everyone except me... well until yesterday anyway. Until yesterday I have avoided learning how to use one because I know that once I have mastered it I will be expected to do some of the weed cutting around the rice fields when everyone else is too busy. However the huge weeds in my garden have got the better of me and yesterday I finally gave in and had a lesson. I think the lesson lasted about 3 minutes and then I was on my own. Not exactly difficult to use, but my wrists did continue to vibrate for a few minutes after I turned it off! If it doesn't rain too much this week I'm hoping to at least get some of the garden cleaned up and get my father-in-law to dig it all over with the tractor. Here's hoping the autumn planting fears a bit better than the summer one!

In chicken news it is getting more and more difficult to tell the old and new chickens apart and today one of the new chickens finally laid their first egg. I can see that we will need to make some decisions about how many chickens will stay and how many will go soon.....
but weed eating is soooooo much fun - and, according to hub, so good for the waist line.
ReplyDeleteI actually don't mind it. Preferrable to raking leaves.
Congratulations to the new chickens for their first egg lay.
ReplyDeleteGood job on the weed eater. I have never used one before. We have one, since we live in the countryside. ; ) But I've not tried it yet.
Good luck on the Fall/Autumn planting. I may or may not give it a go and plant something. I was at a DIY yesterday looking at the Fall veggie plants. Looking for ideas. ; )
If you can make it out here, you can try my scythe (spelling?) It is a tad slower than the machines, especially in confined area, but not that much. And it is a lot of fun, and quiet and your hands are not numb when you are done - and repairs are easier since it is a simple device. It cost us about 40,000 yen, including shipping, but that is the same price of a machine weed-whacker, and this needs no gas or oil.