Wednesday, February 02, 2011


I teach one class that follows a textbook and this week we were studying about asking for different things at breakfast when you are at a home stay. First I started by getting them to say anything that came to mind when I said the word "breakfast" and they came up with the standard Japanese answers - rice, miso soup, egg roll, fish, toast, milk etc. I then showed them the typical words that came up when I googled American breakfasts - donuts, waffles, pancakes, toast, cereal, bacon, fried eggs etc. We talked a bit about how most people in in New Zealand just get their own breakfast as opposed to the Japanese way of the mother getting up early and making breakfast for everyone. We talked about the fact that a lot of breakfast foods in America and New Zealand are sweet compared to salty Japanese pickles, fish etc.
The next day my son proved that he is not really Japanese and has a good dose of kiwi blood in him when he ate his piece of toast (that he had made for himself) covered in strawberry jam and then decided he was still hungry and needed some dessert... for breakfast. So he chose to eat an entire pavlova. Granted it was a small pavlova, but he ate the whole thing and no one in our family thought it was a particularly strange thing to do. Perhaps my husband also has more kiwi blood in him that I thought!


  1. Um, okay, I'm finding it a bit weird to eat a whole pavlova for breakfast. Maybe I've gone and turned Japanese?

  2. thought that it looked like a pav. What a beautiful creation. Not too strange to have for breakfast - sure beats raw egg, rice and seaweed!

  3. Looks delicious! : )

  4. Pavlova is one of my all time favourite things for breakfast!
