Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bamboo fencing

One of the things I don't like about our area is that there are no other children living close by.  It would be great if the kids could just jump on their bikes and go to their friend's houses to play, but that would involve a 6km bike ride over a hill on a major road.  My son is pretty good at finding his own entertainment though - recently he has been digging for worms then going fishing off the bridge by our house.  He usually catches about 8 small fish before he calls it a day and throws them all back in.  Today he decided he wanted to do some fencing with a bamboo stick he had found so he went up to an area behind our house which the locals have cleared of bamboo and planted cherry blossom trees.  The bamboo is growing up again and needs to be knocked over before it takes over the whole hillside again so the new bamboo shoots became my son's fencing partner.  I think he was winning the battle until he saw a long black snake and decided to call it a day - I can't say I blame him!


  1. cool dude Masaki! Go get those bamboo shoots!!

  2. Your son is such a good egg Jo! He really is!

    We have a Wii at our house. It's not allowed to be used on weekdays. Only the weekend. However most weekends my boys perfer, ride their bikes in the neighborhood. Go collecting frogs or baby tadpoles. Looking for beetles. Fishing too, like your son and we also use worms as bait. : ) Or they play soccer. Hide and go seek. My point being, the wii really never gets used. Collects more dust then gets used. : ) I like seeing the boys out and about. Being regular kids.

    I wish your son lived closer around us here, have a feeling he'd fit right in. : )
