Saturday, April 27, 2013

Further break time.....

I know I said in my last post that I would be back after the 27th, but... it looks like I will be taking a break for a little longer.  My "until now very healthy" mother-in-law was operated on on Wednesday for what they suspected to be cancer of the kidney, but has had major complications and is now in the ICU with machines basically doing everything for her.  The hospital is a 45 minute drive away and my father-in-law has been coping well with doing everything for himself for now, but needs some extra love and attention from here on in.  On top of that the lady up the road died yesterday so I am on funeral green tea pouring service among other things tomorrow.  I'm sure you understand, but... I won't be at the keyboard much in the near future.  I will be back soon though, hopefully with a happy, cheerful post.  But for now I'm on family duty!


  1. Oh no.
    Hope your MIL recovers quickly and you can give FIL all the help he needs to get through the Spring crazy season and don't worry- we'll be here waiting for you. :)

  2. I'm so sorry to hear this. : ( I too, hope your MIL can get better real soon. Your FIL sounds like a sweetheart. And I'm glad you can be there for him. You are a very good daughter-in law. : ) We will be here for you, when you return. Take your time, family first. : )

  3. I wish your MIL a speedy recovery and all of you the best in getting through this.

  4. Oh no. I am sorry and do hope that your MIL recovers quickly. Ganbatte. xxxx

  5. Please let us know if we can be of any help to you.

  6. Sending more love and hugs.xxoo Dawn

  7. That's not good news. I am sorry, Jo. You'll be missed but you have more things to do. All the very best to you and your family.

  8. Jo Jo - says Adele, missing you and take care. She looks for you when I say Jo Jo (a bit mean of me I guess). Sending you even more hugs than we had at the airport. Love, us, xox

  9. Hang in there-big hugs.xx Love you, D

  10. Anonymous9:51 pm

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  11. Good luck for you and your family in this tough time. Take whatever time you need.
