Friday, May 09, 2014

Starting small

Today my nephew sent me a photo of himself asking where the blog entries were..... oops.... yet again they seem to have stopped, but with a photo like that I couldn't resist!  We had a great time in New Zealand, although it was far too short.  Back in Japan things have been ultra busy, mainly because I am trying to juggle getting the garden under control before the hot summer arrives as well as starting to play around with a few new business ideas.  And of course there are the endless trips ferrying children to and from sporting events. 
There has been a new produce shop open close to us so I have started taking cookies and muffins to sell a couple of times a week and have mostly been selling them all.  There was also a big festival in our town over Golden Week so I tried out a few ideas and managed to sell all 45 jars of jam and close to 100 bags of cookies.  It was a good chance to get some feedback as well as work out just how much work is involved in producing cookies etc.  I am starting small and enjoying the challenge at the moment.  Next stage... add a few more outlets..... 


  1. Good luck with the new business. Let me know if you start doing mail order.

  2. You must have a load of energy! I bake cookies for students at Halloween and Christmas (last year over 500 each time) and I was knocked out!!!
    Good luck with the new business!!!!
