Sunday, August 20, 2006

First visitors

On Thursday we officially became new "guest house" owners. Well we haven't actually paid the final installment yet, but we have got the keys and have started moving some things in. We had a typhoon arrive on Friday (knocking down all my sunflowers and beans....) and that combined with other work meant that I really didn't get a chance to get near the place until Saturday. Of course now that we have spent all this money on a the actual house there is no money left to decorate it properly, so things that have been cluttering up our house have been shifted in there in the meantime. As soon as the children go back to kindergarten in September I am determined to spend some more time there - especially in my new kitchen!
The first "Korean guests" have postponed until December, but the first guests have already spent a night and have put their stamp of approval on the place - mostly in the form of greasy hand prints all over the walls...... We are looking forward to having you stay at "Kiora Cottage" (yes, I think Tom has finally agreed to a name.....) some time soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan,
    Thanks for looking at my blog - blogs are a great way to let your friends and family know what you are doing etc. without having to write the same thing to lots of different people. Let me know your blog address when you get started.
    The caterpillars here are definately something that I am not used to! You never know what you will find each time you leave your house.....
