Over the weekend we had another group of junior high school girls come to stay. Although I thought my eardrums were going to explode the first few minutes after they arrived (they were shown into the cottage....) they soon calmed down and ended up being the best group of students we have had yet. I think it helped that my children weren't at school all day so they could play with them too. As well as t

he normal pizza making, muffin making, pavlova making, rotary hoeing, potato planting etc. we also managed to do some real "autumn" activities. There are plenty of chestnuts lying around at the moment to collect and of course peeling them always adds another half hour or so to the experience. It is peanut pulling

time too so they did all that for me as well as carving themselves a pumpkin... not quite Halloween, but they really enjoyed it anyway. I have no idea how many photos they took, but they are all the same.... peace sign with different backgrounds!
We said goodbye to them on Sunday morning and they were all in tears... I was too tired to go that far, but it was definitely a nice group to have.
On Sunday afternoon we went to a friend's one year old party and discovered another use for peanuts.... peanut butter gets chewing gum out of hair!