I'm sure I have written about this before, but just in case I haven't... When I first got married I was a little shocked by the attitude of some of my female adult English conversation students. I used to teach them at our house and the minute my husband got home from work they would start to get nervous and kept looking at me and asking if I needed to rush off and get his dinner. I would laugh and point out that if he was hungry he knew where the fridge was. My Japanese sister-in-law works at the bank and often doesn't get home till after 10pm. Her husband gets home at about 5:30pm but is still waiting when she gets home for her to cook him his dinner. If I am home all day and my husband is working then I think it is my job to cook dinner. If we are both working or both at home all day and I think it should be a joint effort or that perhaps he should take a turn. As a result Saturdays in our house are my day off from cooking. My husband makes both lunch and dinner (most weeks...) and I love having the break. The meals are not always well balanced and not always the most delicious meals in the world. Curry and fried rice (not together!) are continuing themes. But I don't have to think about what to make, I don't have to stand in the kitchen (apart from to show him where things are) and the children get to see and help their father in the kitchen.
There has been a programme on TV lately about "kiwi husbands" and how wonderful they are. I say it is all in the education....my husband helps with the dishes, irons his own shirts, looks after the children whenever I am away, cooks on Saturdays and any other days I am home late etc. Perhaps I really am a good teacher!
Your husband cooked that meal??? Wow. I'm impressed. Mine cooks Saturdays but it's more along the lines of a huge sieve of noodles (still in the sieve, balanced on top of the cooking pot) and four empty bowls. Off to show him the picture!
ReplyDeleteWell..I must be lucky because Masaaki loves to cook and he cooks very well! He is also quite skilled at noticing if I am tired and doesn't need to be told to cook...or to wash clothes..or to clean...etc. Yep-I married a gem! Glad your hubby cooks too!!!
ReplyDeletei am semi-lucky: yoshi likes to cook, but doesn't cook well! (please don't tell him i told you that ;) but at least sometimes he makes something for himself and the kids, and i don't have to worry about it!!
ReplyDelete"If I am home all day and my husband is working then I think it is my job to cook dinner. If we are both working or both at home all day and I think it should be a joint effort or that perhaps he should take a turn."
ReplyDeleteWhat you said up above, amen! I agree with that 100%. Perfectly said, Jo. Couldn't have said it better myself honestly.
The days my husband has off, he cooks or at least helps with the cooking or prepping and cleaning up. A joint effort like you said, and it helps. : )