Jo lives in a small town in southern Japan. She lives with her two children and Japanese husband and is learning more everyday about the world of Japanese agriculture and culture.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Garden surprises
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Trip away
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Spring visitors
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Atari mae
- they thought it was "atari mae" that I didn't eat. I am usually worried that there is not enough food so I generally wait till they have finished and then eat anything that is leftover. Most groups comment and ask if I want some, but this group never even noticed, let alone worried about it. I know that for a lot of Japanese families this is very normal - often the wife cooks at least twice a day to feed the children and then the husband whenever he gets home and often just "snacks" in between, but for us mealtimes are a family time.
- they thought it was "atari mae" that they could eat a meal fully prepared by me (usually they are meant to cook together, but I took pity on them one night) and not even think of saying thank you.
- they thought it was "atari mae" that if they chose to stay awake till 2am that they should be allowed to sleep till late and not have to work most of the day because they were too tired... unfortunately for them I am a little too strict to allow that!
- they thought it was "atari mae" that we would spend 3 days with them - thinking of things to do, feeding them, entertaining them (my husband even took the day off on Friday to help out) and that there was no rea
l need to thank us. Yes, we are paid for them to come and stay, but it is still a lot of work.
I could go on a bit more, but I've been summoned to go and help put the first swarm of bees for the year into our new hive. Here's hoping they stay this year.
Having said all the above about the boys we did have some good times - more bamboo digging, fishing, planting sweet potatoes and of course wood cutt
ing! Only one more group to go before my mother comes to visit..... here's hoping they have been taught the word "thank you" before they arrive.
Having said all the above about the boys we did have some good times - more bamboo digging, fishing, planting sweet potatoes and of course wood cutt
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
New Classes

The standard reaction from new children when I start teaching them is "why do you have blue eyes?". My standard response is "why do you have brown eyes?" - to which they look at me as if I am from Mars.
This year I have had two new reactions - the first was from a kindergarten child who stared at me with huge eyes and said "WOW - you have such a tiny face, and such a BIG body!". Honesty is great for the self esteem.... The second was from another kindergarten child who commented on my blue eyes and then proceeded to ask me if I could actually see out of blue eyes.... I guess internationalisation hasn't fully hit the countryside here!
On a completely different note, the chicks are all still growing at an amazing rate and my children are enjoying playing with them every day. We also just had a phone call asking if we want a goat.... can't wait to start a petting zoo!
Monday, May 10, 2010
New friend
Just to give you a small taste though... today I went and picked up my new little friends. This is not a great photo as it was taken just as they were put into their new home, but we now have 12 tiny little chicks cheeping away in our living room (well that is where they are now, but I'm sure my husband will ask for them to be shifted after he gets home from work!). I'm not really a "cute" person, but these chicks are REALLY cute! They hatched this morning (not from our hens) and are slowly adapting to their new environment. I have absolutely no confidence in my ability to raise them till they are big enough to be put out in their outside hen house, but hopefully there will still be a few left when it is time to say goodbye to our older chickens. They seem to be eating okay - now I just need to get them drinking... and perhaps sleeping.
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