Spring has definately arrived here in Japan and my biggest pleasure at the moment is wandering around my garden and discovering all the things that I have planted over the years that are popping up all over the place again. Tulips are flowering in places that I had forgotten about, different kinds of sage have also starting to flower, plants that I have no idea what they are are also starting to get bigger. It is exciting to watch them grow and to not know what they are! Today I transplanted a lot of little seedlings that had self sown in the rice field that I used for growing flowers and vegetables in last year. The only problem is that I am not exactly sure if they are zinnia plants or sunflower plants. The sunflower plants grew to over 2 metres last year so I have replanted the mystery seedlings along the very back of the garden, just in case!

Some of my other seedlings are starting to make a better start in the garden though - this is a picture of a sage plant that I started from seed last October and that has only just started to grow bigger after being transplanted into the garden. I'm hoping some more of my seedlings actually make it to the replanting stage......
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