For anyone who doesn’t know, this is my Grandma. Unfortunately she died in 2001, but she left behind a legacy that has perhaps helped me to move in the direction I am at the moment. My Grandma made jam – and not just the occasional jar, but enough jam to feed all the students in Dunedin! Every summer we would go on outings to Central Otago to get the best apricots and peaches and she would make it into jam to sell at the local flea markets etc. Every year I would get a jar of pickled onions for my birthday – the best present she could ever make for me!
My father made a collection of my Grandma’s jam recipes and gave it to all her grandchildren for Christmas one year. In that book he says:
One of the memories we all have of Grandma and her flat in Melbourne St, Dunedin is the huge pile of boxes filled with jars of jam and pickles, relishes and chutney. The smell of cooked jams was part of that lounge. And he was exactly right.
Everywhere you went in my Grandma’s flat you tripped over boxes of jams.
On the tables, under the tables, under the beds, in all the cupboards.
There was jam everywhere!

Anyway, her book of recipes has been well used in this house and I am following in her footsteps with boxes of jam… fortunately I have a new guest house with lots of cupboards so I don’t have to put it under the beds anymore.

And after a spurt of activity this week I am now up to 7 varieties and about 150 jars in total.
Next week it is selling time!
By the way – I hope this picture is symmetrical enough for you Mike and Dad….