Now I just have to work out whether the quarter moons etc. face the same direction or not.... maybe I could take off in my son's birthday cake to find out. Somehow it managed to stand up long enough to take a photo.... (it is a rocket, just in case anyone is wondering!).
Jo lives in a small town in southern Japan. She lives with her two children and Japanese husband and is learning more everyday about the world of Japanese agriculture and culture.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Other side of the moon
Now I just have to work out whether the quarter moons etc. face the same direction or not.... maybe I could take off in my son's birthday cake to find out. Somehow it managed to stand up long enough to take a photo.... (it is a rocket, just in case anyone is wondering!).
Friday, July 27, 2007
Cooking in Kitsuki
Tomorrow we will have my son's 5th birthday party.... I only hope the icing will stay on the cake long enough to cut it - I can just see it melting now!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Great weather also meant that we were able to eat dinner outside - tempura made from all the vegetables from the garden. I've just discovered that they are coming back to stay tomorrow night too after a nasty run in with a jelly fish today....
Friday, July 20, 2007
Oops - I got a little carried away with the length of the drivers licences here... the real length is in fact 5 years for gold licences (not 10 as I originally stated) and 3 years for the normal one. Thanks Warugaki Mommy for correcting me! Either way my licence will no longer be gold....
Thursday, July 19, 2007

There are two main ways that Japanese people are kept track of:
- Koseki - this is a family register which lists all the members of a family - the head of the family and then all other children etc. in that family until they are married off and start their own family. One problem.... non-Japanese cannot be entered into this. Therefore, I am officially not a part of this, although I do get an honourable mention on it as the mother of my children and in the comments column I am noted to have married my husband. My name here is recorded as my maiden name.
- Juminhyo - this is a registry of current residential addresses maintained by the local governments. When you change addresses you must register again. It is possible under this system to be recorded in two locations at once - one for the family register and one for the current residential address. Unless of course you are non-Japanese resident in which case you can't be listed on the juminhyo either (well this is slowly changing, but until recently this wasn't possible).
So... reading the above you might think "hey, foreigners in Japan don't exist" and in a sense they don't according to the official Japanese documents. But to counter all this they have a different way of registering us - that is with an "Alien Registration" card. Even long term residents married to Japanese citizens are considered aliens. Of course you could apply for Japanese citizenship and then all these problems are resolved, but... in Japan after the age of 20 you can only have one country's citizenship, therefore I would have to say goodbye to my NZ citizenship.... something I don't feel like doing!
Anyway, back to the name problem... the big problem arose today when we tried to change my "cancer insurance" to a cheaper "family" plan. My Alien Registration card claims that I am Jo Sukimoto (sorry - still not fully comfortable putting all private info on the web!). The comment on the family register claims that I am Joe Bloggs. My health insurance card claims that I am Joe Sukimoto (note the subtle spelling changes). My drivers licence claims that I am Jo Bloggs. So I have 4 names here in Japan..... each one is needed for a different thing. The main problem with the insurance today was that if I wrote my health insurance name down, I would have no problem claiming money if I was admitted to hospital, but if I died it would be difficult for my husband to claim the money - as he would need to use the name on the family register. Of course the reverse then becomes possible too - money if I died, but not if I was admitted to hospital. Of course this put the insurance people into a flap and it still hasn't been fully resolved, but it makes me feel better having put the frustration down on paper.
Thanks to anyone who has read this far - I don't think I have made it very clear, but it is pretty confusing for me too!
Just as aside... there was a case in 2002 where a seal (yes the one that lives in the ocean) was given an honorary juminhyo (the thing foreigner residents are not allowed to have), which prompted protests from foreign residents who painted whiskers on their faces to prove their point. I think things have changed a bit since then!

Thanks to anyone who has read this far - I don't think I have made it very clear, but it is pretty confusing for me too!
Just as aside... there was a case in 2002 where a seal (yes the one that lives in the ocean) was given an honorary juminhyo (the thing foreigner residents are not allowed to have), which prompted protests from foreign residents who painted whiskers on their faces to prove their point. I think things have changed a bit since then!

On a better note, we survived the typhoon with no real problems - the bee hives all seem to be still standing and the weeds seem to have protected the tomatoes from the heavy winds (I knew there was a reason for not getting rid of all the weeds!). For some reason even the crows have decided to leave the tomatoes alone for the meantime, resulting in many kilos every day.
We also had the guest house re-papered yesterday - cracks and muck all gone... for now!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
New Veges
That's right, we had one day of no rain and now we are right back into it - tonight there is amazing thunder and lightning and there is a big typhoon set to hit here on Saturday - we are all busy watching the weather reports closely!
Monday, July 09, 2007
On a slightly better note I managed to get about 10kg of yellow plums in the weekend from a relative so we now have some great plum jam. Any orders welcome!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Sunday, July 01, 2007
More new friends
After our Korean visitors it was really nice to have a family come to stay who we were able to talk well with! We had a lovely family of 5 come to stay over the weekend and perfect w
It has been really nice watching how my children have started to get used to having guests and rather than hiding in the corner until they've gone home, they now make the first move to play and talk with the new guests. I hope that they will be able to make many new friends this way - especially considering how few children live in this area!
After no rain for a long time the skies really dumped it on us today - temporarily stopping the trains and turning the lawn and garden into a pond. Hopefully that will be the end of it for a little while.....
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