My holiday appears to be over... today I had another "cooking classroom" with 3 people for lunch. I don't advertise that I do these, but by word of mouth I have people call up and ask if I can do something for them on a certain day. Today it was the third time for one of the ladies and she brought friends who really want to bring other friends. This kind of "advertising" seems to work really well as the people coming have a pretty good idea of what to expect. I really enjoy these groups as they are very relaxed and they cook our lunch for us! They are more interested in having a fun morning than learning a lot so we have a lot of fun chatting and cooking at the same time. It is always nice to have people go "wow" when you take them around the garden too. It is amazing how small things that we take for granted get big responses - thyme, oregano, dill, artichoke, asparagus etc. I also manage to keep my herbs under control by giving away all the pieces which are spreading too far.
Back to jam making tomorrow too. Thanks Mutsumi for the strawberries!
Back to jam making tomorrow too. Thanks Mutsumi for the strawberries!