Sorry -I haven't got around to updating the blog lately so I will just quickly summarize the last week or so....
Chickens seem to be a big part of our life over here and although Mum's chickens are looking a little worse for wear at the moment we went to a friend's house where there were lots and lots of very cute bantam hens running around. My son managed to feed them by hand, but my daughter was a little more cautious!

With only one week left now in New Zealand the farewells have begun. We drove up to Timaru and had a really nice afternoon with Grandad and Nanna Dawn. Perfect weather and a great playground to play in helped to make the farewell a pleasant experience. They are off to London via Singapore today. I wonder why they didn't try to coordinate it so that we were on the same flight to Singapore???? Perhaps they were put off by the High School Musical microphone.....

On the way home we discovered a great "garden" where the children really enjoyed seeing and feeding a whole range of animals. There were ducks, geese, turkeys, alpacas, highland cows, deers, millions of birds, rabbits, guinea pigs, peacocks, pigs, goats etc. etc. and although my daughter was again too scared to actually let the deer eat out of her hand her brother managed to be slobbered on at close range!

Back to Dunedin and the next excitement was a basketball game with the local Otago team - "The Nuggets". Although they lost the children seemed to enjoy the noisy atmosphere and the few good shots and steals that were made by the players. Of course my daughter also thought the quarter time entertainment by the dancing group was pretty neat too!

The final entertainment over the last few days was "helping out" at a closing down auction. As usual I think the children provided more distractions than help, but they enjoyed seeing Big Kev in action again.