Thursday, January 06, 2011


I'm not quite sure why I haven't written lately - not a lack of things to write about... just lack of motivation really (gosh how many times have I written that in the past!). The fact that the memory card on my camera is full is probably a good enough reason to do a bit of a catch up. I'll try to add a few entries at once - but I prefer to break them into topics etc. so you may want to scroll a bit to see if there is anything new.... or perhaps I will lose focus and only post this one! It is school holidays here at the moment so I find myself fighting with the children over access to the computer when we are not out braving the cold playing "park golf" or going bowling etc.
Anyway, first catch up - the rogue chicken! The same chicken has still been escaping each day to lay her egg then happily going back inside as soon as she has done so. I know where she is getting out, but as she is the only one who does it I'm not going to stop her. After I stole her huge pile of eggs she started laying somewhere different. Fortunately I discovered her next spot under the flax bush on the first day and my daughter found her latest "nest" a few days ago -on top of the nesting boxes... outside the actual chicken house! I managed to get a very short video of her popping out her egg this afternoon. For your viewing pleasure - a chicken's bottom! Aren't you glad I'm back in the blogging world again?


  1. Well, I for one am *very* glad you're back to blogging again. I've missed your posts. : ) You're one of my favorite Japan blogs that I always look forward to reading.

    I am very happy I have a few posts to read this morning that you have up. Meanwhile today both Branden and Noah start school as well. So, I will be commenting slowly and enjoying each post. So, expect a few pop in visits from me today. : )

    I love this post and I am so glad you captured on video the little escape artist chicken laying an egg. You know this is the first time I've actually ever seen a real live chicken lay an egg. That was honestly sorta cool!

    She's had 2 different laying nests since the last post? That just makes me smile hearing that! I wonder where she'll lay next. : )

  2. God, if only it was that easy for us.
