The hottest months of the year here are said to be July and August.... if that is the case then I am going to die again this summer! It seems to be more than hot enough here now that the rain has stopped. The garden is responding well (despite being neglected) and as you can see the "Guest House" is also progressing well. The roof is fully on and the outside walls seem to be more or less finished too. A coat of paint, the spouting on and then I think the scaffolding can come down. It's fun to sneak in there every night after the builders go home and check out the inside progress too.
It's too hot to work in the garden, but I did force myself outside to take some photos of the garden.

Burgundy Okra - another one of those plants that I thought that I would try and grow, but have no idea how to cook!

Butternut pumpkins - growing happily in their

beds of weeds.

Tomatoes are begin to ripen everywhere, which the crows are very happy about. I wonder if my black strips of plastic are going to make any difference!

After everyone else started to harvest their beans I finally got around to planting mine. They don't seem to mind their late start and are growing like rockets!