Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Final Kindergarten Outing

Today was yet another "last" day. It was my son's last outing with his kindergarten friends before he graduates next week (yes, for anyone unfamiliar with the Japanese system... children "graduate" from kindergarten here). They went to the park that they always go to and had a great time running around and basically tiring themselves out. I am always impressed by how much energy the teachers have - the mothers tend to sit down and chat with a nice cup of coffee, but the teachers are always up and down the slides, playing soccer etc. I guess it is their job, but they do it so well! The last outing also meant the last weekly Wednesday "bento" (packed lunch) too.... or at least until the first outing at school! I can't say I made a huge effort with it, but there wasn't anything left in it when it came home - perhaps because they weren't allowed to eat their snacks until they had finished everything in their lunch box!
After such a busy day I didn't think my son would have much energy left for his swimming test, (they go to swimming lessons and are tested every 2 months) but he managed to do a great job and passed a few more levels - the final level being swimming 10 meters freestyle without taking a breath. My daughter also managed to pass her test of swimming 25m freestyle in less than 45 seconds. Actually she managed to do it in about 38 seconds - which wasn't too bad considering it was the first time she had actually attempted 25m freestyle without any floating assistance! They both did a great job, not that I am biased!

1 comment:

  1. Charlie had a graduation ceremony from Kindy - he got a hat with glitter and all his family drawn on it. This is a tradition at this kindy - fortunately no bowing!! Otherwise the hat would come off!
