At the start of this month I set myself 4 goals. I think I have probably succeeded with two of them....
1. 1 blog entry every day - I did it and it was much easier than I thought. Hopefully I can keep up with more day to day happenings here from now on.
2. 30 minutes exercise every day - oops! Started very well, but things like strained calf muscles, lots of holidays for the kids etc. got in the way a little!
3. 30 minutes housework every day - nope! I tried, but there is just so much to do outside right now that the house gets neglected..... I did it on the first and last day of the month though!
4. 30 minutes of "me" time every day - probably the majority of days this was achieved - and the days when it wasn't were made up for by longer periods other days.
One thing I am very hopeless at is answering people's comments on my blogs. I read them avidly and reply in my head, but often never get around to answering on the blog itself. For this I apologise! Another reason is that I often forget when I comment on other people's blogs to actually go back and see if they have replied to my comment.... a pathetic excuse really! Anyway, as the final blog for this month here are a few answers to some of the questions and a few updates - I bet you can't even remember what you wrote! Of course there were many more.... maybe that should be my challenge for next month!
thefukases: The only reason I have strawberries to make jam at this time of the year is because I freeze them.... cheating perhaps, but easier than making 20kg or so of jam at one time!
I think we must have the same pants from uniqlo! I bought a few pairs out of excitement when I discovered them a few years ago.... I'll check out the other stores you mentioned too.
Mickey: I agree about the LLBean japan fit clothes. I don't buy clothes from them anymore because they started making all the sizes too small!
Solar Panel update: our last electricity bill came through and instead of paying for electricity we ended up getting paid 1,800 yen. It was a very sunny month! Vicky - I know that the direction of the house really makes a HUGE difference in the electricity you can produce, but I don't know how the snow would affect the panels. We get a couple of mild snowfalls a year, but probably not enough to cause any damage. It is amazing to see how quickly the electricity production reduces even when small clouds roll in, so I am guessing that if they are covered in snow they are not going to be producing much! In terms of payment for the panels - we are paying them off over 10 years at a fixed rate, but at this stage our previous electricity bills and the loan payments are about the same so in theory in 10 years the system should have paid for itself... in theory! I mentioned the vacuum cleaner before, but I have also discovered that the iron and the coffee maker also use about 2 times the entire houses' energy when they are on. Another reason not to do the ironing!
Masaki's arm update: seems to be okay - he uses it all the time and says it only slightly hurts... final x-ray tomorrow.
Fish eggs: never hatched making me think we either have all females or the males are not quite developed enough to be of any use yet.
The big flowers in the photo are called "yugao" 夕顔 in Japanese
My leg: I am walking on it, but still "pulls" a bit with each step. Feet up whenever I can!
Rice pudding: definitely best made from scratch, but when time is limited cooked rice works for me!
Spider: I swatted with the fly swat.... I have no idea what kind it is I just know it is big!
Sports Day: sorry for the confusion... yes it is 3 down in total with 5 more years to go! 8 in one year would be just a little too much for me!!!
Thank you to all those who commented over the last month - especially those who introduced themselves for the first time. I look forward to hearing from you AND replying to you all more regularly in October!
Jo lives in a small town in southern Japan. She lives with her two children and Japanese husband and is learning more everyday about the world of Japanese agriculture and culture.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Museum Visit
Monday, September 28, 2009
Demon's pants
This morning the children and I (the kids have the day off in lieu of sports day yesterday) were surprised when we heard Tom's car pull up at 9:30am when he should have been hard at work at the town office. A quick race to the bedroom and we discovered that the reason for his early trip home was his trousers.... Somehow he had managed to bend down to pick up some keys (with his boss behind him) and, somewhat like my leg, heard and felt a big RRRRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPP. That's right - the demon powers that be meant he completely split his trousers and he had to ask special permission to come home and change. Perhaps the demon really does work in mysterious ways!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sports day... yet again!
It was fun to watch the kids participate, but it is nice to know it is only once a year! It is also nice to know that talks are very slowly starting regarding turning the horrible dirt ground into grass... the clouds of dust that blow up with the wind and the grazes the kids (and adults) get from slipping on the ground are just a too much for me to deal with each year!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Comfort food
Tonight my husband is at a work party so I got to have my favorite tea for when I am not feeling 100%. Rice pudding! Most Japanese people just can't believe that I would eat this stuff, but as an instant tummy filler I really love it. For anyone who feels like a change - just put some cooked rice (cold is fine) in a bowl, add lots of milk, brown sugar, sultanas or raisins and cinnamon and zap it in the microwave until it is almost boiling. Of course you can add some different dried fruits if you want, but raisins are my favorite! Instant comfort food!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
So, how did I do it? I would love to say that it was during my intensive 30 minute workout that I have been doing diligently every day this month, but to tell the truth I haven't managed to do any exercise for over a week. I did it by... walking across the lawn in the exact same way I do zillions of times every day. It had been a bit sore from the morning, but then it just went pop! Here's hoping the other one doesn't decide to do the same thing in the very near future.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Children's cafe
The cafe concept was started by a mother who was refused entry into a number of restaurants because she had children with her. After observing the behavior of children in Japanese restaurants I don't blame the owners of "nice" restaurants for doing this. In general it is often hard to remember you are actually in a restaurant and not in a zoo. Her idea was that if she could show the children what is involved in preparing food, presenting food and delivering food to customers they would be more respectful and really enjoy restaurant experiences rather than thinking of them simply as a place to eat. Their attitudes will hopefully then rub off on their friends etc. and restaurant owners will then allow children back into their restaurants - allowing families to eat at really nice restaurants, rather than just "family restaurants". Last year the cafe was run in Fukuoka and it appears it was a great success there too. Some of the children even started running their own "cafes" in their own houses and inviting friends etc. to come. Remember the participants are all only 4-7 years old!
It is a wonderful concept that will hopefully gain more and more support and become not just a one off "5 day cafe", but an annual event.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Today we got to do something that we very rarely get to do - we got to spend the day with my children's half sisters. My husband has two children from a previous marriage and although they live only about an hour drive away from here we very rarely get to see them - not for lack of trying! My parents are also divorced and every time we do get to see these girls it makes me feel so grateful for the way my parents dealt with their divorce - in front of us anyway. In Japan when someone gets divorced it is standard that all ties are cut between the children and the parent who the children are not living with. It is almost as if they no longer exist and everyone is supposed to go on as if there never was any connection at all. I find this so unfair. The children never did anything bad, yet they are being deprived of one of their parents.
In my own case, my parents were divorced when I was only about 2 and a half years old and every summer, winter and spring holidays my brother and I would get on an airplane and go and stay with my father and his new family. I know that financially this was not a very easy thing to make happen every holidays. I also know that it must have been incredibly difficult for my step-mother and my sisters from that marriage to have us "invading" them for so long every holidays. I'm sure it was difficult on my mother having no actual "holiday" time with us. Despite all these obstacles the effort was still made every year and although there must have been many arguments between all parties involved the thing I am most grateful for is that I never ever heard them or felt that I was imposing on anyone. It is only now that I am an "adult" that I can fully appreciate the sacrifices everyone made to allow my brother and I to maintain a relationship with our father. It is only now that I hear stories that make me realise that it wasn't all "happy families". Perhaps I just managed to block out any negative side of things, but my memories of "divorced families" were all good. Because of this it makes me particularly sad that we can't have more contact with my children's sisters. They are now in senior and junior high school and therefore are able to make more decisions by themselves so we are hoping they will come to visit more often. The door is definitely wide open!
Mum, Dad - thank you so much for never saying a bad word about each other in our hearing and for putting your children's needs ahead of your own. The sacrifices you both made for us were incredible and I am only really fully starting to appreciate them now.
Dawn - every time the girls come to visit I think of you the most. It must have been so difficult to allow 2 children into your house every holidays yet you did so without showing any negativity towards us and as I have no memories of anytime before you were around you have always been my "other mother". We don't communicate anywhere enough lately but you are often in my thoughts. Thank you for being unselfish enough to allow us to not only have a great relationship with Dad, but also with you too.
Fiona, Beth and Megan - thank you also for letting us be part of your lives. Again, it can't have been easy to have "big brother and big sister" invade you every holidays and turn your nice quiet house upside down, but you never complained (in our earshot!) for which I am very grateful.
Mike - sorry I have used the "we" a bit here.... you can correct me if necessary!
Of course there are many other people who have made it possible for me to have a great relationship with my "two families" and I thank you all... if not by name here!
Enough reflecting - today was a really nice, quiet day with our "extended" family. I'm really hoping that one day my husband's girls can feel as comfortable coming here as I did going to my second home. I guess time will tell.
In my own case, my parents were divorced when I was only about 2 and a half years old and every summer, winter and spring holidays my brother and I would get on an airplane and go and stay with my father and his new family. I know that financially this was not a very easy thing to make happen every holidays. I also know that it must have been incredibly difficult for my step-mother and my sisters from that marriage to have us "invading" them for so long every holidays. I'm sure it was difficult on my mother having no actual "holiday" time with us. Despite all these obstacles the effort was still made every year and although there must have been many arguments between all parties involved the thing I am most grateful for is that I never ever heard them or felt that I was imposing on anyone. It is only now that I am an "adult" that I can fully appreciate the sacrifices everyone made to allow my brother and I to maintain a relationship with our father. It is only now that I hear stories that make me realise that it wasn't all "happy families". Perhaps I just managed to block out any negative side of things, but my memories of "divorced families" were all good. Because of this it makes me particularly sad that we can't have more contact with my children's sisters. They are now in senior and junior high school and therefore are able to make more decisions by themselves so we are hoping they will come to visit more often. The door is definitely wide open!
Mum, Dad - thank you so much for never saying a bad word about each other in our hearing and for putting your children's needs ahead of your own. The sacrifices you both made for us were incredible and I am only really fully starting to appreciate them now.
Dawn - every time the girls come to visit I think of you the most. It must have been so difficult to allow 2 children into your house every holidays yet you did so without showing any negativity towards us and as I have no memories of anytime before you were around you have always been my "other mother". We don't communicate anywhere enough lately but you are often in my thoughts. Thank you for being unselfish enough to allow us to not only have a great relationship with Dad, but also with you too.
Fiona, Beth and Megan - thank you also for letting us be part of your lives. Again, it can't have been easy to have "big brother and big sister" invade you every holidays and turn your nice quiet house upside down, but you never complained (in our earshot!) for which I am very grateful.
Mike - sorry I have used the "we" a bit here.... you can correct me if necessary!
Of course there are many other people who have made it possible for me to have a great relationship with my "two families" and I thank you all... if not by name here!
Enough reflecting - today was a really nice, quiet day with our "extended" family. I'm really hoping that one day my husband's girls can feel as comfortable coming here as I did going to my second home. I guess time will tell.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Early start for some
Sunday, September 20, 2009
In a rut?
Anyway, they are a really nice group and have been really enthusiastic all afternoon and evening. We did some baking, talking and of course lots of eating! It is the eating part that I am referring to in my title when I wonder if I am in a rut or not... tonight we had: lasagna, herbed focaccia bread, pesto, salad, Palms fish (fish and egg dish... worth putting the recipe up when my eyes are open wider) and baked eggplant, followed by raspberry and baileys cheesecake and fudge slice..... again! For guests this menu seems to be a big hit. I agree it tastes pretty good. The problem is that my family also has to eat the meals with the guests and having the kids say "lasagna again" quite loudly when you put it on the table isn't exactly a wonderful feeling! I do occasionally do other things and we do quite different things with student groups, but that is my standard menu for adult guests.... it is easy for me and it works. If it was you and you had to feed 9 people what would you feed them... it is supposed to be a bit of a "kiwi experience" - any suggestions welcome as long as they don't involve sausages!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Swimming tests
It looks like either my son is an amazingly fast healer, he is amazingly good at acting normal when in a lot of pain, or the doctor's diagnoses of a "broken bone" was a little off the mark! My children go to weekly swimming lessons and every two months they have a test to see if they can go up a level. Despite having a "broken arm" my son decided he really wanted to do it as it was his first real chance to go up from the "very basic class" to the intermediate class where the volume of swimming increases dramatically and therefore the speed of improvement also increases dramatically. The test he had to pass was to swim 25m backstroke in 45 seconds (46 seconds and you have to repeat again in another 2 months). The thing that really annoys me is that the only chance they get to try the 25m is the actual test. During the weekly practices they only get to try about 12m and therefore it takes for ever for them to actually get past the first big test and into the intermediate class. I think this is probably a ploy on the swimming school's part to get people to keep coming for a long time as a lot of people quit as soon as their child can swim 25m. Anyway, back to the test... I was just hoping my son would make it to the end to give him some confidence and wasn't worried about the 45 second time limit, but he ended up swimming the distance no problem and doing it in 35 seconds. Pretty good considering he has a "broken arm"!
My daughter also managed to pass her last test - 5om backstroke well within the 1 minute 15 second time limit. They both seem to be really enjoying it now (we had a few problems with teachers for a while...) and have made some good friends. Here's hoping it continues this way at least until they can both swim 50 meters freestyle.... next test for Emily and a year or two away for Masaki!
My daughter also managed to pass her last test - 5om backstroke well within the 1 minute 15 second time limit. They both seem to be really enjoying it now (we had a few problems with teachers for a while...) and have made some good friends. Here's hoping it continues this way at least until they can both swim 50 meters freestyle.... next test for Emily and a year or two away for Masaki!
Friday, September 18, 2009
You know you have been in Japan too long when....
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Flower of the day
Speaking of pleasure, my son's homework today was "to go to bed early". I love his teacher! Mind you my idea of early and most Japanese people's idea of early is a little different.... my children were in bed with no complaints at 7:15pm. They are usually in bed by 8pm at the latest. Standard sleeping times for Japanese children (even at kindergarten) seem to be at least 9pm, but more often 10pm or later..... I'm not even going to get into that debate here tonight!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Goldfish revisted

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Not again!
For those of you who have been following this blog for a while you may recall that 2 days before we left New Zealand to return to Japan last year my daughter fell out of bed and broke her arm. My initial reaction that day was - toughen up it couldn't possibly be broken - oops! Anyway, my initial reaction to my son was pretty much the same, but I did learn something from the last experience and decided to take him to the hospital just to be sure. And guess what.... his arm is broken! It is not a bad break - the doctor described it more as the bone being "bent" and therefore it doesn't require a cast. But I did feel a little prouder of my self this time for actually believing him when he said it was sore, rather than just telling him to toughen up!
I was also VERY impressed with the service we got. We went to a hospital I have never been to before, but that is just 10 minutes down the road. We arrived at 5pm (remember what happened in NZ when we arrived at the hospital at 5pm Mum!!!). We walked in the door, handed over our insurance card, sat down for what I presumed would be a long wait, were promptly called into the doctor's room before we could even watch one bout of the sumo on TV and within 20 minutes my son had been examined, x-rayed, the x-rays returned and examined, the results explained, a bandage stuck on his arm, our bill given to us and paid and we were out the door. I repeat... all that within 20 minutes. And it all only cost 1,500 yen - which the school will refund for me as the accident happened at school. Sometimes Japan is a wonderful place!
Oh - and for those who are wondering... it did rain this morning very briefly. Perhaps the snakes are a good weather predictor!
Monday, September 14, 2009
trenches in between the rows in the garden. Usually this kind of comment would make me determined to prove her wrong, but this happens to be incredibly back breaking work for me and I can never make the rows straight - not that I care, but my father in law is a bit of a stickler for straight lines! So anyway, not only did they end up digging all the trenches for me while I was away at piano with the kids, but my father in law also got the big rake thingy and made all the rows completely level (the photo is before all this work was done... it was too dark to do anything after we got home). Now all I need to do is plant all the autumn veges and try to keep the weeds away...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Live feed

Japanese signs
Japanese signs really do amaze me sometimes. The longer I live here the less I notice the bad spelling, the terrible grammar and the nonsense kind of meanings, but lately I have found a couple of signs that left me shaking my head... again!
Just in case you can't read them, the first one was on the window of a hairdressers:
"No one ever told me I was pretty when I was a little girl. All little girls should be told they're pretty, even if they aren't."
Pretty good in the spelling and grammar stakes, but I would wonder a little if I went into the shop and they called me pretty whether they were telling the truth or not....
"Laugh and graw fat"
I'm not even sure where to start dissecting that English!
Friday, September 11, 2009
The perfect combination?
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Hit the jackpot again
We seem to have managed to get another good group of boys for the night. I didn't get them back here till about 4:30pm so we haven't done much today, but they are so enthusiastic about everything it makes life easy. Usually they choose the people in their group, but this school chose to make groups according to their "student number". When I first saw this I was sure they would all hate each other and that it was going to be a terrible group, but they all get on really well and the different personalities makes it a really nice group. They are away at lunch time tomorrow so they don't really have too much time to prove me wrong on my impression of them today. My husband was in his element when he discovered one of them was interested in Rubik's cubes. He even pulled out a book he bought a long time ago to discuss strategies with them! Of course they didn't change out of their sports uniforms, but at least they have their names written on them so I don't have to work too hard at remembering who is who... something I am terrible at!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Falling down houses
Back to the house in the picture... every day I drive past this house when I go to get the children from school. If you look carefully you will see that it was once a 2-storied house, but the top story has basically fallen through the first floor. If you look even more closely (you really need to be there in person to do this) you will see that there are many things still inside the house. If you look even more closely at night time you will see that the lights are on and that there are actually people living in there. My husband is currently working in the "welfare" department so I often ask him about it and he says that they have tried to find alternative accommodation for the occupants, but they refuse to shift. It turns out that they have lots of gambling debts... from pachinko! Yet another reason to stay away from the big, noisy, smokey, bright pachinko parlours!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
I just don't get it
What really confuses me though is that in Japan gambling is illegal (with the exception of public sports - horse, bicycle, boat and motorbike racing, the lottery and soccer league betting). Casino's are illegal and no matter how you look at it pachinko should fall into the same category - but they get around it by exchanging any "winning balls" you have for tokens or small prizes which you take outside to a small booth which is officially not connected with the pachinko parlor and exchange it for cash. Therefore you are not actually winning any cash at the pachinko parlor. Considering how many pachinko parlors there are in Japan and how many social problems there are associated with the parlors (there are deaths annually where kids have been left in the car in the summer while their parents go and play etc.) you would think the police would think a little more carefully about them, but the parlor in the picture is literally across the road from a big police station and I'm guessing that half the police force go over the road in their lunch break or as soon as they have finished work.
Enough ranting... if you want any more information about pachinko wikipedia has detailed descriptions of how to play, the history etc.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Electricity Update

In other news we let the chickens out again this evening and they had a great time wandering and chomping again. Katy - our chickens are so clever that they all just go back in to their house by themselves when the sun starts to go down.... we've got them trained well!
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Wild and free - for a few hours anyway!
Last nig
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Thunder thighs

PS: just in case anyone is worried.... the photo is a random one I found on the Internet - not me and no one I know!
Friday, September 04, 2009
Before breakfast
It felt so good to get so much done in one morning that I decided to take the afternoon off and watched a DVD and had a nap.... it was far too hot to do anything else. A nice reward!
By the way.. I seem to have confused some of you with my measurements in the last recipe. At the moment my daughter is studying volume at school and they talk a lot about "cc"s so I got a bit carried away... - 1cc is the same as 1ml. Therefore in the recipe below 250cc really means 250ml or one New Zealand cup....
Thursday, September 03, 2009
It is basil and pumpkin season so today's menu was: Pumpkin muffins, herbed foccacia bread, basil pesto and apricot fudge slice. The fudge slice is always a big winner in Japan because it is so easy to make and doesn't require an oven. For anyone who is interested in trying it here is the recipe.... (sorry the measurements are in "cc's" and grams due to different cup measurements all around the world!)
125g butter
125cc brown sugar
200cc sweetened condensed milk
250cc chopped dried apricots (can substitute other dried fruit - but apricots are my favorite!)
250g crushed plain wine biscuits (Marie style in Japan - get the cheap 105 yen packets!)
Heat, butter, brown sugar and condensed milk until butter melts. Do not boil. Add apricots and wine biscuits. Mix well. Press into a tin and sprinkle with coconut if desired. Set in fridge. Cut into squares. It will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for weeks - but never lasts more than a day or two in our house!
Right I'm off to a PTA meeting... can hardly wait!
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