Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hit the jackpot again

We seem to have managed to get another good group of boys for the night. I didn't get them back here till about 4:30pm so we haven't done much today, but they are so enthusiastic about everything it makes life easy. Usually they choose the people in their group, but this school chose to make groups according to their "student number". When I first saw this I was sure they would all hate each other and that it was going to be a terrible group, but they all get on really well and the different personalities makes it a really nice group. They are away at lunch time tomorrow so they don't really have too much time to prove me wrong on my impression of them today. My husband was in his element when he discovered one of them was interested in Rubik's cubes. He even pulled out a book he bought a long time ago to discuss strategies with them! Of course they didn't change out of their sports uniforms, but at least they have their names written on them so I don't have to work too hard at remembering who is who... something I am terrible at!

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