After coming home from that exciting morning I retreated to the far side of the house to avoid having to watch my asparagus and strawberries being trampled, big poles thrown on them and generally being destroyed. I really hate feeling the way that I am feeling right now (I know I am out of line), but... my parents-in-law have taken it into their heads that we have to have a roof over the chicken house (I agree) and that it has to be done right now - and to their plans. Great - I should be feeling really grateful as it is something neither my husband nor I have the time or skills to do ourselves. The problem is that no matter how many times I ask them to consult us before actually doing things they seem to think they have to do it all themselves and therefore our ideas don't actually count. The main problem with this is that they are OUR chickens on OUR land at OUR house and it is US that has to look after them and therefore we have some ideas as to how we could make the best house for them etc. And then of course there is the issue of not caring about MY garden that I have spent years developing and that is now just being stood all over when there is no real need to do so!
Good to get that off my chest... not that it has solved the problem, but it is good to moan to someone other than my husband for a change! Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom of my moan for today... honestly I know I am out of line so I don't need anyone bashing me for it.... tomorrow will dawn bright and sunny and I will be feeling happy again - I'll even post pictures to prove it! Until then coffee and chocolate should be enough to brighten my evening!