A few weeks ago I had to work all weekend so my husband took the children to a science fair that a group of teachers and high school students were running in our town. They spent a few hours there and the kids had a great time, coming home with bags and bags of experiments and free giveaways. It sounds like it was really well run with lots and lots to do. I wish our town did more things like this. The only complaint I have was regarding the "box" in which my son brought home one of the experiments in. It was a cigarette packet and it just happened to be from his own homeroom teacher..... who I know is a very heavy smoker. My husband said he did apologize when he handed the box over claiming that it was the only thing he could find to put the things in so they wouldn't get broken on the way home. The experiment does fit perfectly into the box, but.... a cigarette packet... to a 9 year old.... in 2011? I can remember my brother making a dog out of cigarette packets, but that was .... many years ago. I guess Japan still has quite a way to go when it comes to cigarettes and children!
Jo lives in a small town in southern Japan. She lives with her two children and Japanese husband and is learning more everyday about the world of Japanese agriculture and culture.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Science Fair
A few weeks ago I had to work all weekend so my husband took the children to a science fair that a group of teachers and high school students were running in our town. They spent a few hours there and the kids had a great time, coming home with bags and bags of experiments and free giveaways. It sounds like it was really well run with lots and lots to do. I wish our town did more things like this. The only complaint I have was regarding the "box" in which my son brought home one of the experiments in. It was a cigarette packet and it just happened to be from his own homeroom teacher..... who I know is a very heavy smoker. My husband said he did apologize when he handed the box over claiming that it was the only thing he could find to put the things in so they wouldn't get broken on the way home. The experiment does fit perfectly into the box, but.... a cigarette packet... to a 9 year old.... in 2011? I can remember my brother making a dog out of cigarette packets, but that was .... many years ago. I guess Japan still has quite a way to go when it comes to cigarettes and children!
2 more sleeps
Saturday, December 10, 2011
They seemed to know....
Today we said goodbye to all our chickens. I literally shed a few tears doing it - and all I had to do was help get them into the crates. As soon as we walked into their yard they went crazy - even before we tried to catch them. They also only laid 5 eggs today - as opposed the 9 or 10 they usually lay. I guess they just sensed something was amiss.
We made the decision to let them go for two reasons - firstly because we are heading back to New Zealand later this week for over 3 weeks and getting my mother-in-law to look after them would be a bit too much for her, and secondly - because they were starting to lay less and less (still not bad, but they had seen better laying days!). After we get back we will clean out the chicken house, do a few repairs and then start the process over all again. I don't think I could live without my chickens anymore!
We thought about killing them all ourselves..... for a few minutes, but quickly changed our minds when we found a place in our town that would do it for free. And then we discovered that for a relatively low price they would also pluck them, gut them and cut them all up for us too... so now we have a freezer full of chicken! I thought the meat was going to be really tough, but the man who prepared them for us said that it looks pretty good - I guess we may have to test it out tomorrow.....
For anyone new to this blog our chicken adventure started after we went back to New Zealand 4 years ago and my son (and I) fell in love with all our relatives' chickens and pushed hard to get a chicken house built.
Our first 5 chickens were purchased from a local high school and had been raised by hand. The next 5 were from a big "chicken factory" and took a little longer to get used to people. The next 12 I picked up as tiny little chicks on the day they hatched. The children helped with delivering the eggs to the neighbours and cleaning them out, feeding them etc. and as a reward they continued collecting egg money and we have had a few nice holidays with the proceeds.
As the chickens grew we lost a few to sickness, a couple to predators and completely lost track of which were the old ladies and which were the teenagers. All in all we have been lucky and ended up with 15 chickens to say goodbye to today. It is definitely going to be strange tomorrow not hearing any clucking and not having to go and collect any eggs. Who am I going to tell all my problems to now? They were wonderful listeners!
Monday, November 28, 2011
End of an era
Some facts about the tooth fairy (for those who don't know) quoted from my daughter's final letter.....
"I have a special magic drink which gives me lots of power. When I need to get under your pillow I take a small drink and then I have the strength to lift up your pillow and put the letter underneath. Sometimes you move a little which makes me scared that you will roll over and squash me!"
"Fairy land is probably about the same size as Kyushu. There are many different areas that I haven’t been to yet, but hopefully if the Fairy Queen gives me some holidays soon I will be able to go and see many new places. I really want to go to a town called “Sweet Town” - they have buildings made out of lollies!"
"I can’t speak any Japanese. I think you are so lucky that you can speak both Japanese and English. I would like to learn how to speak French because I want to go to Paris and see all the wonderful buildings there."
Now I am wondering if I need to let her in on the extra special secret of the tooth fairy so she can pass the wonder on to her own children (if she chooses to have any).... I guess that can wait till my son loses all his teeth!
PS: I've just rediscovered the first ever posts about my daughter's teeth and the tooth fairy dilemma. 4 and a half years of fairy visits..... gotta loves blogs for record keeping!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Praising Children
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thankful again....
"Medea" - thanks for commenting on the tidying blog entry - the crazy lady way of folding clothes really does take up less space - up to half depending on what you are folding.... worth trying even if it is just for the t-shirts drawer!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Another rainy day

And then of course she has a big thing about throwing all the clothes out that you will never wear... sensible of course, but not always easy! I managed to really get rid of my old clothes and have big piles of the kids old clothes. My daughter has zillions of hand-me-down clothes that she has been given, but never really fitted (she is a bit bigger than your average 11 year old) so I have sorted them into big bags of different sizes. If anyone in Japan wants a potluck bag of girls clothes in size 130, 140, 150 or 160 drop me a line and tell me which size you want and I will send them on to you. There is a real mix of summer and winter stuff, but I don't have time to do anymore sorting so if you want them you will get the lot.... then you can deal with getting rid of those you don't want!
Now if I could just get my husband to be realistic about the fact that if he hasn't worn things for 15 years he is not likely to wear them ever again we might have a lot more room in our wardrobes!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Mixed up schedule
And then I have weeks like this week where extra "jobs" mean shuffling everything around and I tend to get a bit off balance and end up napping on the sofa in the few spare minutes I have between needing to be in one place or another. This week I had to do a speech for ALTs in Oita on Tuesday which meant all Tuesday morning's classes had to be shifted to Monday and next Monday I have to do a joint demonstration lesson at school so I spent my free Monday afternoon at school with the teacher preparing for it until 5pm. On Wednesday I went to 5 different places - the last one being a meeting at school till 8:30pm. Today I had to do a cooking classroom in a town about an hour away (I had one last week and another one next week too) so all my regular Friday morning classes had to be shuffled to Thursday... again my free day gone!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Am I growing vegetables or caterpillar houses?
The ones under the nets are doing really well though and I'm guessing that if I want to keep growing cabbages I will need to purchase a few more nets next year! Unfortunately th
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Latest visitor
In the meantime here is a photo of our latest visitor. The chickens were going a bit silly this afternoon so I went out to find this very "cute" little fellow wandering around. It is a raccoon dog and a very tame one.... it wasn't at all worried that I was branding a bright yellow bucket and trying to scare it away. It spent most of the afternoon bathing in the sun right by the chicken house, but didn't really try to get in. I'm suspecting it is actually a little sick due to the fact that a lot of its fur is falling out so I'm not so worried about it getting in and sampling a few chickens as I am about it passing on some terrible disease..... it had wandered off by late afternoon and despite the fact that the kids want to keep it for a pet I'm hoping it won't be back tomorrow.... mind you it could solve our problems of how to "dispose" of our chickens before we head back to New Zealand!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
This time next month
The countdown is on......
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Recycling and wheat 2011
Over the last
My son and I also decided we needed a scarecrow so we recycled my Halloween costume - I'm not sure how long it will survive, but it is fun for now!
Making compost
Until last year we had been making the compost at the e
Since we have started putting this kind of compost into the garden the number of worms has increased a lot, so I guess all the hard work is starting to pay off.
Monday, November 07, 2011
Better harvest than last year....
Some of you may remember this post from earlier in the year: Bring back the bees
Despite not being able to do much hand pollination, the feijoa trees have produced a little more fruit than last year, but still not fantastic. They also seem to be dropping their fruit a few days too earlier, so it is still a bit too hard and sour to really enjoy. A few days on the bench and it is better, but I'm guessing I should stew it up with some apples and a little sugar if I'm to really make the most of it.
My fig tree on the other hand has proved to be fantastic! Considering I only planted it last year it is covered in figs and although it is probably too late in the season for them all to ripen I am enjoying sneaking out, picking a ripe one and scoffing it down before anyone else notices. Definitely no cooking or sweetening necessary to enjoy these!
Sunday, November 06, 2011
Japanese hotpot
One of the benefits of my husband making this kind of dish is that his "normal" ingredients vary greatly to mine and therefore my children get to experience a lot more flavours than if I did all the cooking. Tonight's "surprise" was whole small
Changing plans
So somehow the plans
Now it is Sunday and raining again.... which room can I attack now?
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Halloween 2011

Today was the annual Halloween party at the English school I teach at once a week. To be honest I am not a great big fan of Halloween - it isn't really something we do in New Zealand.... but it seems to be a good excuse for a party here in Japan. Unfortunately I forgot to take any photos of the actual party, but did remember to snap a few before my daughter and I headed off this morning.
We had great friends staying until Friday (hopefully update on that tomorrow...) so I didn't really get around to thinking about what to wear until last night. A friend lent me a costume, but in the end I decided to make something with what we had lying around the house... which in our case is bunches of straw from our wheat and old clothes that my husband refuses to throw out. So I ended up as a scarecrow and my daughter used my son's costume from last year and went as a magician. I think 90% of the students were witches so it was nice to have a slightly different costume! Fortunately it is all over for another year and the hay can go back into the fields!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Question for South Island Kiwis!
Making lists
One of the other things on my big list today was to dig some of the sweet potatoes. I had two different patches of sweet potatoes this year and really had no idea if there would be much under the ground or not, but I was pleasantly surprised. All the odds are against me growing good sweet potatoes in my garden. All the books say that you should grow them in very sandy soil., but my garden is an ex-rice field which means it has a very hard clay base - limiting the amount of drainage. (If you want information about how hard it actually is to achieve this clay base check out the archives about Heather's Rice Chronicles at "Shinshu Life"). I threw the plants into the ground and forgot all about them... losing half of them in a drought. I let the weeds get a bit too big before finally removing them. I forgot to keep pulling the spre
Now I've just got to try and pull the rest of them out of the ground.... after trying to get rid of all those lovely green leaves.... I think I'll leave it for another day when I have time to make another list....
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Drying the harvest

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Doorstep gifts
Now I tend to get a very different kind of care packages - usually vegetables from the in-laws or neighbours and very rar